Meel Tamphanon is a freelance illustrator from Phuket. She graduated from Rangsit University studying 2D Animation in 2013. She has worked with various clients including 20th Century Studios, Disney, Magic the Gathering; Wizard of the Coast, The Boston Globe, il Corriere Della Sera, etc.
Most of her illustrations aim at narrativity, communication, and intellectual components. Furthermore, her illustrations are related to surreal, mythological, history, children's book Illustration and editorial Illustrations. Her style of illustrations is complex with color combinations and grain textures.
Commission and general inquiries:
Represent by Illozoo Illustration agency, Contact: info@illozoo.com
Selected Clients :
ALMA / Consumer Report / 20th Century Studios / Nui Nui / Soss, LLC / Magic the Gathering; Wizard of the Coast / Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) / The Boston Globe / UNDP Asia Pacific / Meokca / Disney / Macmillan Publishers / Victiona:ry / Transparency International / Edelman, NY / Arm&Hammer / Timbuktu lab / Airbnb / Callisto Media / Illusalon / Viu. TV / il Corriere Della Sera
Work Published in :
2024 Miti e leggende dei Celti - Storie di eroi e divinità d'Irlanda
2023 Il Milione, le avventure di Marco Polo: Nui Nui
2023 Wilde of Eldraine: Magic the Gathering
2023 Official poster for Avatar: The Way of Water: 20th Century Studios
2022 Street of New Capanna: Magic the Gathering
2021 RAYA & THE LAST DRAGON POSTERS: Domestic and International Digital Marketing: Disney
Interview & Press
/ Interview: Fantasy Illustration, Hightone
/ Interview: CUTOUT Magazine
/ Interview: Girls Club Asia
Exhibition :
2023 Unknown Asia - Group Exhibition, Osaka
2021 Nous Les Femmes - Group exhibition, Toulouse
2013 Ploy Seang 10 - Group exhibition, Bangkok
2013 Degree Show 2013 - Group exhibition, Bangkok
2013 Advanced - Group exhibition, Bangkok